1. Backup Scheduled Messages 2.) Auto-Select Sim using PREFIX/SUFFIX
1.) For people who uses the "repeat scheduled SMS" feature.
Create a back up file of all scheduled SMS that we can restore when moving to a new phone so we dont have to redo everything from scratch.
I use this feature to send auto text messAges to my clients during their respective due dates. And it'll be a head ache if i Move/upgrade to a new phone and lose it all.
- Ability to AUTO-choose which sim to use when sending sms based on the contact number's prefix or suffix that the user sets.
1st Ex. All recepient number that STARTS with 0917 will send the SMS using Sim 1.
2nd ex. All recepient number that ENDS with 0920 will send the sms using SIM 2
Note: currently this function is already in Playstore right now. The name of the APP is DUAL SIM SELECTOR PRO. But currently, it's only for calls and not for messages. The user can set multiple PREFIXES, SUFFIXES on which SIM the phone will use to call.