Bitstrips was perfect for storyboarding, bring it back
Please bring back bitstrips, perhaps you weren't fond of the idea after snapchat bought you guys out, although the 5 million people who still like your Facebook page are. But bitstirps could be so much more than just an app for people to make their own comics; for me and my many film making connections, we all used it as a way to make easy and accessible storyboards for our productions. The reason why the standard script or shooting script format is so popular is that both communicate what the writer intends with that scene or shot quite easily. However, it does not provide a visual spectacle for the reader the same way the Storyboard format does. Storyboarding is tedious and if not drawn properly, doesn't effectively communicate what the writer or director pictured for that shot. With bitstrips, that shot could instantly be created to paint a thousand words. Everyone on set would immediately know what the director was trying to convey. Now its gone and script writing will never be the same again. Please bring back bitstrips or create an app exclusively for storyboarding, from not only my opinion but lots of other feedback i think it will be highly profitable and appreciated.
Please see this and do the right thing.