I would like to be able to set different color settings for each individual contact

Jklacort commented
I'd love to be able assign icon colors to individual contacts like Handsent SMS allowed before becoming unreliable.
Misty Perry commented
How about a different notification sound for each contact?
Galactic Fork commented
I'd like this too, with the default setting being that all contacts start with a random color. Like the option for the contact images.
Alex White commented
if you have a contact with multiple conversations (home and work), you have no way differentiate between the two. I may have to find another app because this is very inconvenient.
Bobbie commented
Even a random color difference makes it easier to separate comments from different friends replying.
Martin commented
Like others, I would gladly pay for the upgrade if I were able to set a different background picture for individual contacts.
KESHA commented
I would like to personalize each of my contacts, not just use a blanket theme.
Anonymous commented
And please add ability to customize by removing call button. So we don't have one touch butt dialing
Crystal AL'ojayli commented
How come nobody is using the settings "theme it". Where it says edit u can change your fonts even the size of it.. The color of it... The bubble shape and color.. You can customize everything
Crystal AL'ojayli commented
Don't you have an image in your contacts for each person..?
Anonymous commented
I'd pay for customizing conversations for individual contacts. I want to tell the conversation I am in based on how it looks like.: )
Bjorn commented
I wld like to be able to change color for each contact or each conversation helps me organize contacts
Anonymous commented
I would pay to be able set individual colours for the bubbles and bar for different contacts.
Anonymous commented
How can I set different notifications different contact? Like each contact can have different icon & different alert tones & how can I make my own color 4 Notification if it is not in
Anonymous commented
Love the app but as I'm getting older I'd love to know is there a way to make font size bigger
Anonymous commented
Really love this app and how much it's change if I can have different themes customized for different contacts that would be great.... And d also if the send area could be customized also or be transparent that would be cool!
John Amoranto commented
Support costumize
Draconis Angeli commented
I need this so I can tell by the vibration pattern, led colour and sound who each message is from and also who I'm replying to when in a hurry as its hard to tell when all backgrounds look the same!
Heather commented
Please!!!!????!!! And also have solid LED instead of blinking. Both are absolutely necessary when you can not immediately open the app or turn on your phone screen but need to determine who/what etc... pretty standard option in most sms apps but not Chomp?
j commented
I want to be able to edit the "quick compose" feature. Side note: You can already change the SMS sound for each contact if you long press on their name I am sure. I saw someone asking in the comments.