Delete multiple messages at once
I'd like to delete a few messages from a conversation. But I can only delete messages one by one, each with a long hold and 2 taps (delete+confirmation) which would take ages to delete like 20 messages.
It should be possible to delete multiple messages going into "delete mode", selecting all messages to be deleted and confirm only once.

Out in release 6.33 out shortly.
Anonymous commented
Need a "select all" when deleting messages within a conversation. This allows you to un-select messages you do not wish to remove. Much easier than selecting one at a time. Thank you
Debbie commented
Delete multiple not working on Galaxy Note 5
Don commented
Delete multiple not working.
Anonymous commented
Highly appreciate this feature.. just one bug though.. it does not update the count in the conversation postcode after deleting messages. I'm using it on gingerbread.
N@t commented
Lorsque chomp permettra de supprimer des messages d'une même conversation, ( sélectionnés à l'aide d'une case à cocher), alors je reviendrai sur chomp. ..pour l'instant j'attends la prochaine mise à jour annoncée 6.33 pour voir si cette option est intégrée. .
svp...!! Merci -
ShawnL commented
Yay! Thanks! Can't wait for the update.
Richard Thompson commented
Thanks Max. An excellent app is now even better!
Anonymous commented
Thanks Max a very time saving fuction
arif commented
finally, you satisfy the most users need.. thanks, Max..! :D
Anonymous commented
PLEEEEAAASSEEE....... delete BATCH mode. Very much NEEDED
priyanka soni commented
i like u
Anonymous commented
it would also be nice if you return the feature wherein one can limit the number of sms per conversation.
Anonymous commented
This needs to be a priority.
Anonymous commented
my problem is that I seem to be able to only delete a full conversation, not parts of a conversation. I have done the long hold on the conversation in question, and the only option i get is to "delete", then a warning that the entire conversation will be deleted. How can i select only a portion of the conversation?
richpnh commented
Absolutely! Even the basic Android sms app has "multiple select and delete". It's a got to have and it's clearly doable. I don't understand why it's missing.
I recall it was missing from an earlier edition of androice (ice cream) and then, after a wave of complaints Multiple select and delete appeared in the very next update for the basic SMS Text app.
You got to do it!!!
hasan khan commented
yes i 100% want this..
hasan khan commented
yes i 100% want.
Anonymous commented
Yes, great idea!
Jean B. commented
Je le veux !
Jean B. commented
Je me veux