When creating a new message, have a drop down of recent contacts to choose from without having to search for a contact.

skpurdy30040 commented
God, yes!
Eli H commented
My old app, the underrated "evolveSMS" had this feature. I sorely miss it.
Jamie commented
That's included in the quick compose/reply options...
ZoehGirl HeavenSent commented
Just open the quick compose from notifications bar & pull tab down, if tab isn't there, go to settings & choose how you want your quick compose set up & there's an option for recents, favs, & something else, I can't remember off hand.
Anonymous commented
One feature that I sorely miss from my old texting app is the ability to select a recipient from a list of those recipients I have recently exchanged text messages with. My old texting app had this in the form of a "recent" tab that I could pick from when writing a new text message or forwarding an existing message. I used to use this mechanism almost exclusively when selecting recipients.
This feature is so useful, and (I thought) so obvious, I was kind of shocked it didn't already exist in Chomp. I've been using Chomp exclusively for months now, and I still cringe a dozen times a day when I need that feature but don't have it available.
I originally switched to Chomp when an update to the app I was using changed its color scheme from black background to white background (with no option to switch it back or otherwise change it). If I could find a different texting app that gave me the color scheme I wanted AND provided a "recent" tab to select recipients from, I'd probably switch.
Anonymous commented
If you use quick compose, the recent contacts are already an option..
Anonymous commented
Correct names that match the typed letters show if nothing else
Anonymous commented
C Dawson commented
Much needed. Also need to have the option of unchecking from group list - presently the app shows all contacts.
hitesh commented
While sending new messages there must be recent list (calls & sms both) so we can send fast sms to whom we have recently talk or we have a recently text a contact. Also add every hour options in schedule sms
Anonymous commented
Please give us the option to place a contact name or contact picture in the open space below the top bar. These would be the commonly accessed contacts. 3 clicks to get to a contact that won't even allow us to set "Favorites" as the default contact location, is inexcusable for an SMS app. of this caliber.
ShawnL commented
We have groups, contacts, and favorites lists to choose from. Please add "recent" with the most recently used (for text messages) contacts on top.