Pictures sent individually not as slide shows
every time I receive multiple pictures from someone they all come in a sideshow which is extremely inconvenient

Marilynn Lawrence commented
No mutiple pics in muli people in textes.
Scott Gill commented
The developers figured this out on their sister product Textra. It's overdue to include it in Chomp. Chomp is more customizable and Textra is the dumbed down version in many aspects, otherwise I would have switched to Textra.
- commented
y can't I upload videos?
Anonymous commented
Why can't I send pics?
Anonymous commented
I agree with this. It's pretty annoying having to send each picture one by one because sending it in bulk turns it into a slideshow
Robertson commented
Not receiving pictures. Pretty inconvenient.
Anonymous commented
How to change ring tone message alert
Anonymous commented
every time I receive multiple pictures from someone they all come in a sideshow which is extremely inconvenient440votesVote
Anonymous commented
Why am I not able to receive pics or videos?
nate frogsta commented
Why can't i send pictures. I need this for my job.
Can you fix this please? -
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
My picture are not a showing wwhen I send a tex what is Vnp setting?
Gina B commented
I can't send or receive pictures. How can I fix that?
Anonymous commented
Yes - how can we stop this slideshow thing from happening. I hate having to ask a person to send either individually or in an email. :-(
shid commented
very nice this apps
shid commented
Andrea commented
Like that I can swipe through all the photos in a conversation, BUT the text has disappeared. Have to check the stock app to see if there was text attached.
Thisclose to uninstalling chomp. Messaging app is useless if it drops the actual message.
Anonymous commented
The slideshow for pictures is really the biggest problem this app has.
JayRollecc commented
When I send my pics in text. They just sit there. Spinning and spinning. They used to send. As of 2-21-15
Robin commented
PLEASE! Most of the time I don't get all the pics sent to me & have to open my stock app just to view them