can we create a private message box
privacy settings

Privacy box by selected person stored in separate folder with selectable notifications... Thanks am pro user
Luis commented
Concordo, deveria haver uma caixa privada onde ficasse as mensagens dos números bloqueados.
Yans commented
Huawei P9 n'autorise pas l'application SMS de fonctionner.
Il impose sa priorité
Bien à vous et merci de votre réponse
Daniel Yans
Client payant -
mobina commented
همه پیامایی که داشتموپاک کردش واقعاعصابموخوردکردش واقعا
andrew.nnma commented
very interesting to make the entrance to the private messages in "Mood Messanger"
andrew.nnma commented
private messages needed for a long time! at least in the paid version! and that without the usual notices! for example, only LED!
Lyle commented
I hope chomp will address our concerns specially the adding of private box. Please.. Thanks. Godbless
Lyle commented
Please add private box
Anonymous commented
So can the message pop up on ur screen??
Genia commented
Yes please add private box
Anonymous commented
Me too
Anonymous commented
Escelent gostei e amei recomendo
Anonymous commented
Não diga que não, todo mundo sabe que ainda há aquele alguém que te faz não desistir de tudo por um nada! Todo mundo já percebeu que vocês são um do outro, e que não estão juntos por contratempos da vida. Calma, tudo dá certo no fim, eu ouvi dizer que temos que dar tempo ao tempo!
Anonymous commented
This is fantastic app...
But giving me the shits constantly downloading ads...
When I'm trying to sleep
This is CRAP -
Bj commented
Private option would be awesome
Xavier Thompson commented
I was literally about to write you on adding a private box. And I saw that people are already interested in it... So yes I add my self to the petition to please add a private box. I have already purchased my license for this app and everything... By adding it you will have single handedly killed the competition as if you were Hulk smashing Loki to the ground. As if you were David slaying Goliath. As if you were wearing combat boots stepping on a water bug. As if you were in a water gun fight and your super soaker was attached to a camel back. As if the play store deleted all other SMS apps because of CHOMPSMS.... We all need this. Please!!!
Sincerely, a loyal fan.
Gaius commented
Private Box is not privacy settings. Create a Private Box and you have crushed the competition
Cooper commented
The only thing left to dominate and crush the competition!
g.venkataraman iyer commented
It's better we have secret box with password to secure sensitive messages
Don't matter commented
Why everytime i send a photo a different one show up