can we create a private message box
privacy settings
Anonymous commented
yeah plz create private box
Kat commented
Yes my old so had a private message box .
I somehow ended up getting this one for my text messages with my new phone right now I'm only keeping it because I have messages on here I need for court once that's over I'll go back to the old app because it has a private message box and this one here also seems to be not sending my messages anymore.
Even when I hit resend and I'm in service area -
Neeraj commented
Please add private message box...
It will be best app -
Aanei Daniel commented
Useless private box- who want private box have possibility to install aditional app like private message and calls from fahrboot.
Steve commented
I love this app and want it to be my default sms app but no private inbox. Please add one soon so I can come back
Ry commented
Is there a private message box if not please add one then it would be perfect thanks
Monae commented
Please add a private box pretty please
Anonymous commented
This is the best SMS app in the play store PLEASE ADD A PRIVATE BOX to this app.
Anonymous commented
Private box i is superb
Anonymous commented
I have a Samsung 4 with straight talk and I can't receive or send mms plz help
Monae commented
This is the best SMS app in the play store PLEASE ADD A PRIVATE BOX to this app.. It's the only thing missing and it would be PERFECT!!!!! THANKS
Johana commented
When receiving multiple messages instead of showing number of unread messages received on locked screen can it show names of the contacts who sent the messages on locked screen..
Anonymous commented
A private box would really be nice
Stefanie commented
Definitely need a private message box! I spent the last couple days installing and uninstalling messenger apps..from this one to textra, to handcent and go sms and then back to this one again. Overall I like this one the best but that's really the only thing missing for me, that and no talk to text
Sharon commented
How do I check APN status
John commented
I keep getting a notfication saying chomps has reportedly stopped..Seeing a lot lately..any ideas or fix for that? Thanks
Luc Bineau commented
Impossible envoyer MMS ?
Anonymous commented
I can't do anything
Robert commented
I cannot send pictures or receive pictures sometimes it takes 3 to 4 days to receive a picture or someone else to receive one I have sent what is the problem here this has happened for months now I am getting a little tired of it
Vee commented
Yes please