can we create a private message box
privacy settings
Dawn Alter commented
Yes please!
Lunah Victoriano commented
Yes please.. Upgrade with private messages inbox and a lock code. Just to secured important messages on my phone. Thank you
Wenabeyb commented
Or if not private box, can you please add a feature that will encrypt a certain conversation? As soon as possible. I really like the simplicity of this app. Thank you.
Emmanuel commented
Please put that in the next update
roybie commented
Yes, private inbox please
Michelle commented
Gosms pro had it, it was awesome! Id like to see it here
Anonymous commented
Yes a private box...where the phone Just makes a sound but shows nothing and nothing pops up in the General box just in the private section
mpoki commented
sure!! we need privare inbox
Anonymous commented
How can i replace the language of a voice text?
VJ commented
Until we get a private box, can you remove the word, "Conversations" from the lock screen? I don't want anyone to know what I'm password protecting.
Andy Rinho commented
Sure we need a private inbox
ERROL commented
I do not want to show my contacts when I GROUP TEXT.
andrew.nnma commented
+1 000 000 !
Anonymous commented
i left a comment on play store last year to add a private box
Nothing on 2015 , i use Go sms
idem to textra app
Debi S commented
I am getting messages from the same I'm getting on FB. How do I keep those out of chomp? What I'm also getting is peoples comments to others that don't concern me. This is why I'm changing to here. I'm just having to take to much time deleting doubles.
Crystal Pierce commented
private with lock code
Anonymous commented
Yes private box would be awesome!
diana commented
Please add a seperate private box...then id pay for this app. Im using n3xt sms right now, but wd use this if you had a private box.
Angela boles commented
Great idea
goutham commented
Add the option to lock some particular conversations instead of the whole app.