Let Us Set A Picture Background For Each Message Conversation .
Have More Than One Background For Different Conversations .

Jim Simon commented
Having an option to save a photo/image background for each specific message will help us from sending to the wrong contact. When I was using the messaging app that came pre-installed on the LG phone it helped me to know each and every message was going to the intended sender because I could see their photo/image I had saved for their contact.
Anonymous commented
Saya memasang background kemudian gagal karena perintah apakah anda sudah memiliki kartu SD yang terpasang
Mohon bantuannya, kenapa demikian -
Anonymous commented
Please explain to me what this is about bonesutah@gmail.com
Anonymous commented
This feature would be fun to have and to use
chatt.matters18 commented
yeah..thats great..but first can i have i little help on how to put an image on a conversation bckground coz im hving a hard time doing so..
Anonymous commented
Chris commented
I'm trying to get one background work right now. They fail to load to sd card. But multiple background, Definitely Cooler!
Anonymous commented
love it