provide a setting for changing the date format. eg. dd/mm/yy

Madangopal Menon commented
Being in India I would prefer dd/mm/yy date format. As per the app today is 11/02/22 which reads like 11th Feb whereas it is 2nd Nov.
JP commented
Please add an option in settings in order to choose date format. So anyone can choose day month year order or if compact or extended display (for example month in letters).
Bob G commented
Please give us the option to specify the date format (e.g., ddd d mmm yyyy). Even in the USA, some people find d/m/yy ambiguous and confusing. Changing global settings to English UK also affects the keyboard, spelling (and probably other things).
Simon commented
I managed to get date format dd/mm/yy by changing main phone settings, language & input to English (United Kingdom). Hope this helps others
Val commented
Please put in a way of changing the date format - like it used to be
Anonymous commented
Has there been any progress with this feature?
Alain commented
Indeed I really miss this in this wonderful app
Val commented
I find this new idea of the American way of writing the date confusing
Please change it -
Anonymous commented
Any progress on non US date format? Agree with comments, we non US folk understand Day/Month/Year. Any chance of adding this to Settings on next update, please?
M Avis Cruet commented
This is on my wishlist, according to your app, today is the 11/08/16 which to me is the 11th August 2016. We are all not in the USA.
Paul commented
This really is a fundamental when you have an international app.
Jonathan Young commented
Very confusing for non americans
Kevin Vertongen commented
Since ChompSMS can be used and purchased in many (non English speaking) country's a setting to change the date format would be highly appreciated.
You have translations soo why not take it further and provide real i18n? -
Rosalind commented
Can you please tell me how To change the wrong date, when Iam sending text message. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Don't need this feature I already have it set the way I want it to be.