allow sorting of contact lists

ice757 commented
Contact Sort Order is WHACKED! when I search for a name of whom to text, say "Victor", Chomp lists all contacts that include the word "Victor" on them - good enough, that is helpful - HOWEVER, it sorts them by the first letter in the name alphabetically - this causes all the entries that might have the name "Victor" somewhere (like "Angie sons name Victor") to go ON TOP of all the entries that _actually_ start with "V" and thus the entries for Victor end up at the very bottom.
What is needed is "smart sorting" such that all entries starting with "Victor" go on the top, and all other entries that include the word Victor somewhere in their name (but not at the beginning) below those entries. Something like putting the results of an Exact Match at the top, and the results of a broader glob match below those. -
Ahmad commented
It's moat requirement to add sorting option
Anonymous commented
Or let us select the sort field please
Anonymous commented
Sorting by first name would normally be sufficient.
Tony commented
What fields would your want to sort by?