When composing a group text, have the option to send it as a mms/group message or individual messages.

Tammy commented
Has anything been done about this?
Mark commented
Can someone please tell me in simple terms how you fix this?? I reply to a group message and it sends multiple iterations of the message. It is driving people nuts. I have to either get it fixed or get rid of this app. You would think it would be pretty basic and simple and that you wouldn't have to jump through hoops to find it. I see a lot of questions posted here, but very few answers!
ZoehGirl HeavenSent commented
STOP splitting up message!
Joe commented
You can already compose a group message that's sends individually but you have to go into settings and isn't very convenient. It would be nice if it was easier. (Useful for holiday wishes)
Anonymous commented
And have the option to send it as a SMS/group message or individual SMS messages. ;-)
saw commented
option to send long group text as an mms message instead of splitting into multiple text messages?