"Mark As Unread"
Being able to "Mark As Unread" would allow messages about which we need to be reminded to stay up top in the message list.

zrajm commented
I agree this is a feature I'd really like to have! (And which no other message clients seem to have either.)
It'd be especially lovely if this could be combined with the schedule feature somehow. I.e letting me mark a message as unread at some point in the future. Say that I have a message that I need to respond to, but I'd like to ignore it for now and get back to it in a week. – If I could then set it so that it'll become "unread" (with a new notification being shown for it, and it being moved to the top of the conversation list) at that date, that would be perfect!
(Regardless of whether I could time this or not, the feature would be very useful.)
Rick Ledoux commented
I think it's just fine if the entire conversation is marked as unread. No need to mark individual messages as unread.
Rick Ledoux commented
Microsoft Teams has this feature, and it's really really helpful. It's my #1 request for Chomp SMS.