enable folders
plz enable categorization of SMS through folders

Steven commented
I totally agree.
Sure flags, and stars are needed, but being able to to create folders would also be an excellent idea.
Ok, not everyone will agree, but they don't have to use the folders if they don't want to.Having just one list of messages becomes cluttered very quickly, and even if we had flags, and/or stars, that wouldn't make any difference to the list being cluttered.
We used to have folders back when we had analogue phones, and I used them very often.
Having folders we could save messages in the family folder, for messages from family.
I could create a folder for job applications if I were looking for a job.
Students could have a folder for each subject they are studying.
My mum plays a lot of games, and she gets unlock and registration codes, so she would be happy if she could save game related messages into their own folder.Of course for those who don't want to use the feature, there could be an option in the settings to turn the feature on, or off, that way those who don't want to use it, or have memory issues, setting the option to off could reduce the app size.
I acknowledge that some consider fully functional apps as bloated, but being able to turn some features on, and off would make the app fully functional for those who want such functions, and for those who don't want to use all the functions can turn them off, which would streamline the app, and reduce the so called bloat.
Jindrich Besta commented
Tagging messages would be better since you may add multiple tags to your message (which is impossible with folders)
Tony commented
Better than folders would be the ability to label and sort threads by some use defined field. Eg. Waiting for response, service, Followup, etc. Or simply numbers or even colors.
Tony commented
I would only add that the folders contain the whole thread conversation rather than just individual messages.
Tony commented
Please!!!!?????!!!!!???? If you did this app would clearly be the greatest thing since sliced bread... And what do you do with bread??? You chomp it!
Anonymous commented
I don't know if I'd like it or not if somebody else had it and try it let me know please.
bonesutah@gmail.com -
Götz Perll commented
Would make chompSMS perfect