can we create a private message box
privacy settings
K narasimharao commented
Pls provide numeric pin safety purpose
Anonymous commented
It would make the app #1 in my book
Anonymous commented
YES Pls!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Please add a private box option.. like go sms pro and zero sms have it..
monica commented
We would like the read my message feature. To let so know when the person u text read yr text.. OR like fb.... it says sent.. then when the person looks at it. It says seen.
Cooper commented
Long overdue
janeee commented
private messages box
Jessikuh commented
Um most definitely.! I mean go SMS pro has one....
Dawn Alter commented
A privacy box would be awesome. It makes it easier to make sure you are sending a text to the correct person. I loved the privacy box in Handcent and it is one thing I really miss.
“Syed Sajid Ullah” commented
Hi Respected Sir,
The private message will be helpful for anyone because now a days anyone want privacy box
in messaging apps. We hope you people will add private message box as present in Go SMS pro...
Thank You -
Cate Giambelluca commented
I'm not receiving messa g ew from one of my regulars
Anonymous commented
Hey I GOT AN IDEA... TO ALL OF YOU Sorry Motherf'krs and to all of you Skanky Bitch's as well... How BOUT YOU LIARS, CHEATERS, AND SCAREY ASS FUCKS stop doing the wrong and hurtful bad shit that your doing, thats got all yal needing a hiding place for your bullshit and MAN the hell up, grow some balls, get a backbone about cha and be a REAL motherfucker!! THEN YOU WONT HAVE TO WORRY AND BE A HIDING SCARED LITTLE BITCH/ PUNKS!!
Jonathan Ferrer commented
What the fucking voting is this?
Create a private box for this fucking app or else Im gonna kill those shit developers !!!!!!!;
#BEASTMODE !!!!!! -
Smrtblonde commented
How many votes do you need before this becomes possible?
I really dislike the other options out there but will deal with them for the sake of a privacy box.
Anonymous commented
Guys this is last year's suggestion, why is it still an idea? Do this please.
Jamie commented
Go has a private box with a secret entry... No icon and not listed anywhere in the app... You just long press a certain area and it opens to a lock screen... If this app had that I'd definetly ditch go for good.
Joe smith commented
Remove the funny lady
Joe smith commented
Damn how far
Joe smith commented
That's small
Bill commented