Hey I GOT AN IDEA... TO ALL OF YOU Sorry Motherf'krs and to all of you Skanky Bitch's as well... How BOUT YOU LIARS, CHEATERS, AND SCAREY ASS FUCKS stop doing the wrong and hurtful bad shit that your doing, thats got all yal needing a hiding place for your bullshit and MAN the hell up, grow some balls, get a backbone about cha and be a REAL motherfucker!! THEN YOU WONT HAVE TO WORRY AND BE A HIDING SCARED LITTLE BITCH/ PUNKS!!
Hey I GOT AN IDEA... TO ALL OF YOU Sorry Motherf'krs and to all of you Skanky Bitch's as well... How BOUT YOU LIARS, CHEATERS, AND SCAREY ASS FUCKS stop doing the wrong and hurtful bad shit that your doing, thats got all yal needing a hiding place for your bullshit and MAN the hell up, grow some balls, get a backbone about cha and be a REAL motherfucker!! THEN YOU WONT HAVE TO WORRY AND BE A HIDING SCARED LITTLE BITCH/ PUNKS!!