[dual-sim] implement an option to choose the SIM to send the message (than save profiles for each contact favorite SIM)
thanks for the attention! :)

Completed in release 6.35 rolling out now.
Dynamics 365 commented
Nevas Technologies is a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Partner with more than 15 years of experience dedicated to delivering Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions and services.Nevas provides professional services that will help your business migrate to, implement, support, or customize Microsoft Cloud software; especially Microsoft Dynamics 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP partner, and Dynamics CRM. At Nevas, we continue to make investments in growing our global presence in order to meet the demands of our worldwide Microsoft Dynamics AX and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations, Dynamics 365 Business Central customer base. We have proven track record deploying and supporting Microsoft cloud solutions across a global footprint, so you can count on us to do what we need to do, and be where we need to be.
Anonymous commented
Why do many of my text msgs come in a language I cannot interpret ot translate
Rich commented
My Moto G2 is on android 5. As default, android 5 only allows 'other messaging apps' to use sim 1. There is no way of changing this. Even if you long press in chomp to 'choose' sim 1 or 2, the text is always sent via sim 1 because of this. Annoyingly, the stock android messaging app allows you to choose a sim etc.
Delicious Inc: you need to work out how to make your app send via sim 2 in android 5, otherwise you are selling something that does not work..
Anonymous commented
My notification icon doesn't show in bar anymore & can't test for it cuz it does nothing. Samsung s8+
Štefka Jiří commented
Dual SIM didnt work correctly. IT sending from SIM 1 ONLY.
Xiaomi redmi note 4 -
SgtFrank commented
All of a sudden I no longer get my sound Moroccan notification when my wife sendsme a text.
Jeanna commented
I'm not receiving many messages. I'm sitting next my sister and she texts me. I don't receive it. This is recent and I don't know if it a sprint or Samsung or chomp problem. It's been happening for a couple of weeks.
Anonymous commented
This feature was working well with my other phone which was android 4.2, now that im using android 5.1 its seems to have miss behaved. It only shows the message being received by sim1 and replies are being sent out by sim1 as well even if its from sim2. Since this was an issue since last year, i thought the update would fix this. But still hasn't. I was fond of this app thats why i installed it to my new phone but i guess its only confusing me more. Unless this is fixed ill be usimg another sms app. Gosmspro is better i guess. Have used it before so ill use that app again..
Rajesh commented
What i dislike or hate is this method of long press to switch sim then again hit send. Please show two sim buttons together. Many other apps do
Ash commented
Prefer both sim send buttons to be visible. Holding down to switch is not intuitive and risks sending on wrong sim.
Anonymous commented
None of my biz but dual sim cards ? For the same device? Why? Why does a person need dual sim cards for the same device? Are you sharing a phone with an alter self of yourself? Like living 2 different lives or what?? Have shit to hide or what? I mean if not 1 of those reasons then whats the fucking point????
Miroslav commented
All the massage received shown in sim 1 even it is come on sim 2
mohammadreza commented
KN commented
I can't use the dual Sim properly. I send text messages using Sim 2 but it turns out that the recipient receive my message with the number on the Sim 1 slot. So basically even if I send messages using Sim 2,it will be sent using Sim 1. Please fix this. I am a fan of chomp SMS and I am hoping that this issue will be fixed. Thank you and more power!
Rodny commented
too slow...like other comments, always set on sim 1 sending only even if dual sim
Miti commented
Messages received always show sim1 and never sim2 even when the messages received are by sim2. I have ZTENubia z7 mini and there is no dual sim settings in the settings menu. Please fix it.
jane commented
My dual sim option works just when I open the text message. The quick message just works with sim 1. It always sends messages with the same sim card. How can I fix this?
Go commented
Update: even if sim2 is set as default chomp send sms with sim 1.if i desactivate sim1 in my device, then chomp use sim2 so it's an issue of using sim2 when both are activate. If it can help...
Go commented
This feature is great idea but it's buggy on my Sony Xperia Z3 dual sim android 5. Whatever sim 1 or sim 2 is chosen, the sms is still sim1 sent. Please i really hope you could fix that thanks a lot for the application by the way :)
Anonymous commented
Everytime I send a text, it says it's pending. When I use my default text Message app it works. I uninstalled it and it still won't work. Now, I don't want this app any more. It seems every update causes it to mess up.