I would like to be able to set custom ringtones per contact.
I would like to be able to set ringtones per contact. Have a default ringtone for text messages, but then be able to override this and choose a custom ringtone for some contacts.
Harry Skelton commented
Most other SMS apps do this. I only use this app because GoSMS has issues with message delivery. Add custom sounds and you'll win me over.
**Pro User** -
simataas commented
The ability to have individual ringtones for each user already exists, but Chomp doesn't take the ringtones from the device's contact settings. Each contact must be set up individually in Chomp and it isn't obvious to the new user how to do so. Here is how you currently set up individualized ringtones in Chomp:
1. If you do not yet have a conversation thread with the contact of interest, text them so you do.
2. From the Conversations screen, long press on the contact of choice and press "Notifications".
3. Press "Ringtone".
4. Now you see the options that are available. Choose either "Ringtones" or "Music" for a list of the tones on your phone.
5. Select the ringtone you want. You will have to know what the ringtone sounds like based on the file name (since there does not appear to be a way to hear a sample of the sound within Chomp). -
Mike Alexander commented
Read the manual, already available
Anonymous commented
you should be able to set up a ringtones fast