3342 results found
Turn off blackout default
Don't like screen turning black when text quick reply window opens
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i feel
i dream
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i feel
i dream..
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i feel
i dream..
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i feel
i dream..
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i feel
i dream..
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i feel
i dream..
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1 vote
Plz show me valid MMI code.when i use symbols */# for packeges it shows ur Mmi code invalid, plz ...
plz give me MMI Code!
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1 vote
Turn on screen when a new text arrives only once, and not with every repeat notification.
when repeat notifications are enabled as well as the "turn screen on if asleep" option, the screen will turn on every single repeat notification as well. if you are away from your phone, this will consume a lot of battery to keep turning on the screen every repeat.
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text to gps doesn't work
text worked before kit kat update. can make and receive calls to my Tom Tom, but no text now.
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1 vote
love to have Notification bar like iphone
love to have a notification bar like iphone
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?