3344 results found
Quick button to share messages with other apps (notes, Evernote, Email...)
A basic option today is a quick button with options to share ours messages with other apps (notes, Evernote, Email, Calendar...) It would be good to implement it. Thank you!
12 votes -
Quick compose configurable fonts
Please can you make also the settings of font size in Quick compose dialog!?
8 votes -
Sms shows as pending despite receiver getting & responding to the message. How do I clear a pending status? It just keeps resending.
SMS shows as pending (w/ 3 yellow dots) despite receiver both getting & responding to the message. How do I clear a pending status without deleting the sms? It just keeps resending. Over & over & over. If a message fails there's an option to ignore or retry, but not when a msg is pending. Help!
17 votes -
15 votes
Fix your dual sim feature!
Whenever I install chomp again to see if the bugs had been fixed, I check my messages and see that the dual sim feature is still fucked up. You can't detect correctly which sim was used to my sent and received messages. plus whenever I enable it my messages aren't sent or If ever it was sent, chomp still notifies me that it wasn't sent.
My stock SMS app still gets notified even though I turned off its notifications.
I haven't had these kinds of problems with Go SMS. I badly want to use chomp but I keep going back…
75 votes -
customation of the app icon color as in textra
please in the new textra it has option to change color on the app icon , hope it will come to chomp sms to cause the green is so ugly , but tetra nice but in there be able to change to 100 + color
39 votes -
Ability to remove the call button...
I came to chomp because the stock messaging app had the button that couldn't be turned off and I accidentally called people, I absolutely HATE that. I'm not seeing an option to turn it off and that should be a standard feature. If I want to call someone that's what the "phone" button is for. I will be finding a new app, after having chomp for so long, if it can't be removed...
46 votes -
Dual SIM notification
please add settings notification sound for each SIM
7 votes -
blacklist someone from your phone contacts list instead of the conversation page?
Blacklist someone from your contacts instead of the conversation list. It seems you can only blacklist someone if you actually send a text , then longpause...then blacklist. Would like to blacklist without sending that person a text to put them in the conversation list
9 votes -
Duration of Scheduled Messages
Make it possible to cobfigure a stop date for a message schedule to run repeatedly instead of monitoring and sometimes forgetting to go back to cancel the message.
11 votes -
dual sim
dual sim support
12 votes -
Why can't I forward MMS messages?
Why can't I forward MMS messages? My stock app does it!
4 votes -
your apps is so nice
Please update this apps every wifi open and data ussage
2 votes -
Order messages on date, newest or oldest first
As per title, now oldest are on top, I would like to have newest on top of the list.
5 votes -
Please enhance Notifications for Dual Sim
- allow choosing notification sound and vibration settings depending on which SIM card receive a SMS/MMS,
- if possible allow setting LED color for SIM1/SIM2 notifications as well,
- Allow renaming the SIM number as the carrier name (or any custom text).
5 votes -
1. Backup Scheduled Messages 2.) Auto-Select Sim using PREFIX/SUFFIX
1.) For people who uses the "repeat scheduled SMS" feature.
Create a back up file of all scheduled SMS that we can restore when moving to a new phone so we dont have to redo everything from scratch.
I use this feature to send auto text messAges to my clients during their respective due dates. And it'll be a head ache if i Move/upgrade to a new phone and lose it all.
- Ability to AUTO-choose which sim to use when sending sms based on the contact number's prefix or suffix that the user sets.
1st Ex. All recepient number that…
8 votes -
Is it possible to send my gps location directly from chompsms
Tracking my location and share it via sms directly from chompsms without using any other gps or locatio app
12 votes -
Incoming message sound
When app is opened have a option to have a incoming message sound when message is recieved besides it just vibrating.
10 votes -
Show symbol for drafts in conversation list
Signal unsent messages as drafts in the conversation list
32 votes -
Group names
I would like to be able to name a group and maybe be able to give that group a different text tone.
42 votes
- Don't see your idea?